Jharkhand Forest Guard Recruitment 2020 – Apply For 400 Vacancies

For 4000 Forest Guard Vacancies 2020 the Forest, Environment & Climate Change Department, Jharkhand has released Jharkhand Forest Guard Recruitment 2020. So, the officials have invited the Offline Applications. And a lot of candidates have heard a piece of news about it. And now, all are finding for Eligibility Criteria to apply. Therefore, start referring to this article and then know about the eligibility. Hence, make a note that 30th June 2020 is the deadline. Moreover, interested aspirants can go to the deep and collect mandatory information.

Jharkhand Forest Guard Recruitment 2020

Authority Forest, Environment & Climate Change Department, Jharkhand
Name of the Post Forest Guard
Total Vacancies 400
Starting Date Started
Closing Date 30th June 2020
Category Govt Jobs
Application Mode Online
Job Location Jharkhand
Official Site forest.jharkhand.gov.in

Eligibility Criteria For Jharkhand Forest Guard Openings 2020

So, this section is one of the necessary parts for the candidates to continue for further procedures. Moreover, we have collected a lot of information from the official Jharkhand Forest Guard Notification 2020. And attached here. So, without any late continue referring to this article.

Education Qualification – Jharkhand Forest Guard Jobs 2020

For applying the Jharkhand Forest Guard, candidates need to have some of the educational qualifications. Moreover, Retired Forest Guard/ Forestman/ equivalent and various officers that passing the equivalent qualification. As well as retired officers must have the experience. So, afforestation, horticulture, agriculture, etc are the levels that you have some experience.

Application Fee – JK Forest Guard Recruitment 2020

Moreover, to know application fee info, you have to download the official notification. Because you will find the whole data from there only.

Vacancy Details – Jharkhand Forest Guard 400 Vacancies

Therefore, the below image shows you a clear picture of the vacancy info. So, willing competitors can take a look at the image.

Jharkhand Forest Guard Vacancy Details

Age Details – Jharkhand Forest Guard Notification 2020

Applying aspirants need to have 64 Years of Minimum Age. So, applying candidates need to have the mentioned age.

Salary Information – Jharkhand Forest Guard Job Openings 2020

Surely, the selected will get good pay from the officials of Forest, Environment & Climate Change Department, Jharkhand.

Selection Procedure

Through Personal Interview, the authority will choose suitable candidates. Therefore, give the best performance in the interview and grab the job.

Application Steps For Jharkhand Forest Guard Recruitment 2020

Additionally, we have given the steps here for the offline application process. So, applying one should follow the steps and finish their registration procedure via offline mode.

  • Proceed to visit Forest, Environment & Climate Change Department, Jharkhand site @ forest.jharkhand.gov.in
  • Moreover, go to the Recruitment Section that available on the main page
  • So, the directJharkhand Forest Guard Notification 2020 for 400 Vacancies link is available
  • Press on it
  • Download it
  •  Meanwhile, start verifying the necessary data for the application process
  • After that eligible one can download the Application Form
  • Give all the info
  • Finally submit it to the below address before 30th June 2020.


The Address is available on the below available Advertisement. So, clearly get it from the notification and send your applications.

To download Jharkhand 400 Forest Guard Recruitment Notification 2020: Click Here

Therefore, we have covered as much as info released by the officials. Hence, for more updates just visit our website chanakyaone.com.