NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020 | 1500 Posts

Candidates who are interested in NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020 Notification must apply. Meanwhile, we know that Northern Coalfields Limited officials are released 1500 Apprentice Posts. So, the starting date is 17th July 2020. Meanwhile, the last date is 16th August 2020. Also, we are sharing NCL Apprentice Jobs 2020 complete information. Already, we are giving Education Qualification, Selection Process, Pay Scale, Application Fee, and Age Limit details. However, look at the below section carefully.

NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Job Seekers must apply for NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020. Moreover, Madhya Pradesh states people who are willing for Central Government Jobs this is the best chance. Also, collect Openings 2020 information through this section. Meanwhile, you can find a lot of information from below. Northern Coalfields Limited officials are releasing various openings for every time. So, this time they have announced 1500 Apprentice Posts. Therefore, before filling the NCL Apprentice Application Form 2020 you must follow this entire article. Also, look at the below segment for post wise NCL Apprentice Vacancy Details 2020.

Authority Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL)
Name of the Post Apprentice
Total Vacancies 1500
Starting Date 17th July 2020
Closing Date 16th August 2020
Category Central Govt Jobs
Application Mode Online
Job Location Madhya Pradesh
Official Site

Northern Coalfields Limited Apprentice Vacancy Details 2020

  • Electrician 500 Posts
  • Welder (Gas & Electric) 100 Posts
  • Motor Mechanic 100 Posts
  • Fitter 800 Posts
  • Total 1500 Posts

NCL Apprentice Jobs 2020 Education Qualification

So, students who possess their 10th, 12th, ITI from any Recognized University or Institute must apply.

Age Limit For Openings 2020

  • The minimum age limit is 16 Years.
  • Although, the maximum age limit is 24 years.

NCL Apprentice Jobs 2020 Selection Process

Through the merit list, the Northern Coalfields Limited officials will recruit the candidates.

Application Fee For Northern Coalfields Limited 2020

Meanwhile, there is no application fee for Apprentice Jobs.

Salary Details For NCL Apprentice 2020

Therefore, Northern Coalfields Limited authorities will pay a good salary.

How To Apply For NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020

Clearly, we attached a few steps in the below section. So, contenders who want to get additional details then download the official notification which is placed in the below. Therefore, refer to the following steps.

  • Moreover, interested candidates must visit the official website of Northern Coalfields Limited that is
  • Meanwhile, you can see an NCL home page.
  • After that, press on the Advertisement section.
  • Also, look for NCL Apprentice Jobs 2020 Notification.
  • Although, hit on the available link.
  • Simply download the notification.
  • So, check out the complete details.
  • Fill the application form.
  • Click on the Submit button on or before 16th August 2020.
  • Also, take a hard copy.

To Download NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020 Notification: Click Here

Although, get a proper NCL Apprentice Recruitment 2020 Notification details from the above section. So, interested job hunters collect the required information and apply it. Meanwhile, we all know that candidates are searching for Apprentice Jobs 2020. So, collect the correct information through this article and apply it before 16th August 2020. However, we mentioned a lot of details in the above section. Also, you can bookmark our portal and get instant notifications. Every candidate wants to get a job in Northern Coalfields Limited.