WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Previous Papers

We attached WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Previous Papers in a PDF format. Although, those who are applied for Assistant Director of Horticulture, Geography Mistress Jobs 2020 must download. Also, with the help of better preparation, all the people can easily gain minimum marks. However, we are providing a lot of details. So, follow the mentioned Model Papers and Exam Pattern. Also, prepare well. Moreover, job seekers must prepare well for the exam.

WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Previous Papers

Moreover, aspirants can simply collect the WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Previous Papers and prepare well. Meanwhile, we are helping all the aspirants. So, don’t worry look at this page carefully and collect the last five years wbpsc.gov.in Model Papers in a PDF format. However, by taking the help of sample papers candidates can easily start their preparation.

Authority West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC)
Name of the Post Assistant Director of Horticulture, Geography Mistress
Total Vacancies Various
Exam Date Updated Soon
Category Previous Papers
Job Location West Bengal
Official Site wbpsc.gov.in

WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Syllabus 2020

Exam Pattern For wbpsc.gov.in Assistant Director of Horticulture, Geography Mistress 2020

So, applied people must refer to wbpsc.gov.in Assistant Director of Horticulture, Geography Mistress Exam Pattern 2020 which is attached in the below. Although, we are giving a lot of information. Meanwhile, follow each and every information which is available here. Moreover, our team is here to provide a lot of information. West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) officials are now going to hire aspirants for Assistant Director of Horticulture, Geography Mistress Posts.

Subject Name Marks Duration
Computer Knowledge 100 Marks 2 Hours
Numerical Ability
General Knowledge
Technical Subjects

Also, the Assistant Director of Horticulture, Geography Mistress exam topics are related to Computer Knowledge, Numerical Ability, General Knowledge, Reasoning, and Technical Subjects. Meanwhile, follow the below attached West Bengal PSC Model Papers and prepare well. Moreover, candidates are requested to prepare well as per the attached details. So, use this wonderful chance and prepare well. However, you can also visit the official website of the West Bengal Public Service Commission for more details.

West Bengal PSC Horticulture Assistant Director Sample Papers

Meanwhile, the West Bengal PSC Horticulture Assistant Director Sample Papers are enclosed here. Although, our team is here to attach a lot of details. Meanwhile, the officials of the West Bengal Public Service Commission are issued Assistant Director of Horticulture, Geography Mistress Old Papers. Therefore, follow this article completely and know the required details. While checking the WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Model Papers aspirants can easily grab a lot of details.

WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director General Knowledge Model Papers: Click Here

Sample Papers For West Bengal PSC Numerical Ability: Click Here

So, follow the mentioned WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Previous Year Question Papers and prepare well. Already, we are sharing subject wise old papers. So, aspirants prepare well for the WBPSC Horticulture Assistant Director Written Exam 2020. Although, without good preparation, nobody will crack the written exam. So, aspirants don’t worry and prepare well. West Bengal Public Service Commission is ready to declare a lot of information.